Event Coverage

In the age of social media, if there’s no photo evidence or something happening, did it really even happen? How are you going to promote future shows without amazing photos of your past shows?!

But it’s okay! Cause you’re here now, and I can give you awesome photos for your keepsake, social media, and future promos.

Whether it’s a concert, theatre act, or any other kind of stage production. You can count on me to capture the best shots of the event.

Concerts, Theatres & Stage Productions

Presentation and Speaking Events

Are you a motivational speaker and wanting to encourage and inspire others? Then your image and your brand are as equally important as your words. Or maybe you’re the next Steve Jobs, doing a presentation on the next revolutionary product or technology.

The things you say and the things you do are going to become a part of history; and that history needs to be documented.

Corporate and Social Events

Let’s be really, really honest for a minute here. Corporate events, or work events are put on because it’s good PR. It’s also good for employee moral, but the biggest benefit is that it’s good PR.

But of course, that PR is only as good as the images that the company puts out. A corporate event recorded with a cell phone takes all the hard work, planning, money, and logistics and wastes it all.

Luckily for you, I can help record your corporate or social event into the books of history in style and class.

Show the world what you and your company is all about.

…And every other kind of event

Celebration, commemoration, commiseration, or any event where people get to come and have some fun. These all require a lot of planning, a lot of logistics, and sometimes, a lot of food and drink. But any event can be photographed and remembered. Don’t let yours be forgotten.

Because at the end of the day, when all the people are gone, and the venue is reset back to default. All you have left are the memories and the photos.
…And I guess sometimes, some leftover food and booze but we both know that’s not going to last long.

Click below to see more event photos from the portfolio


  • Event photography has a base rate of $190 per hour + GST.

  • For event photos, you get all the images from the event, minus any duplicates, or NGs (blinks, blurry, etc) in low-res, web-ready jpegs.

  • All images come with basic editing. This is primarily colour, brightness, and contrast corrections.

  • Yes there is! Although event coverage has an hourly base rate, there are discounts if you require 4 hours (half day) or 8 hours (full day) of event coverage.

  • I cover almost any event except for personal events such as weddings, anniversaries, family receptions, and kids birthday parties.

    I typically make exceptions for adult birthday parties for milestone ages though.

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